ArbDB News
ArbDB Chambers and Virtual Hearings and Meetings in Mediations, Arbitrations and Dispute Boards
29 September 2020
ArbDB Chambers has been adapting to the new reality of conducting Mediations, Arbitration Hearings, Adjudications and Dispute Board site visits and hearings and also preparing for what the new reality might look like, post-Covid-19.
Our Members have conducted all of these using the Zoom and other platforms, with considerable success. Indispensable technical and practical support is provided by our Clerk, Martin Poulter. We have also been keeping in touch with our clients and contacts with regular webinars, with our Zoom capability now able to conduct meetings and webinars with up to 500 people. We have noticed that we are able, both in hearings and webinars, to bring in people from all over the world, which would have been next to impossible on a face to face basis. Our colleague, John Wright, has been participating in virtual site visits on his dispute board projects.
This may all point the way to the future, with more cost-effective and environmentally-sensitive ways of working.
If you would like to learn more about the capability of ArbDB Chambers and the availability of our Members, please contact our Clerk, Martin Poulter – telephone 020 3514 9020 or email