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ArbDB News

Fox Williams / CIArb Pre-Moot 25th and 26th February 2023

22 February 2023

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ArbDB Members Paul Rose and Tony Marks will be sitting as arbitrators, along with many colleagues from the world of arbitration,  in the 8thFox Williams/CIArb 2023 pre-moot.

This will be held on 25-26 February at the International Dispute Resolution Centre. Thirty teams from across the world will be taking part.

The Fox Williams/CIArb pre-moot for the Vis moot is one of the most highly regarded pre-moots. It attracts teams from across the globe and is renowned for its exceptionally high-quality of administration, judging and feedback.

Tony Marks commented: “ Peter Ashford (Fox Williams) and CIArb are to be congratulated on building up the London pre-moot from a small number of teams in 2016 to its present size. It is a pleasure to be involved as an arbitrator and to witness the high calibre of the teams taking part."

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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