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ArbDB News

ArbDB Member Speaks On Private Dispute Resolution At The Professional Negligence Lawyers Association Symposium

14 October 2015

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ArbDB Member speaks on private dispute resolution at the Professional Negligence Lawyers Association Symposium 

ArbDB Member, Michael Cover, spoke at the PNLA Symposium Professional Negligence and Liability, Forging New Paths on 13 October 2015 in London.  Michael spoke on Mediation and Arbitration Never the Twain shall meet in the context of the Pilot Scheme for Adjudication of Professional Negligence Claims.

In an interactive session, he explored the various different private dispute resolution methodologies and how they might be applied in an era of reducing resources and budgets in the UK Court system.

You can download the presentation here. 

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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