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ArbDB News

ArbDB Members Michael Cover And Murray Armes Judge At International Mediation And Arbitration Competitions

6 April 2013

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ArbDB Members, Michael Cover and Murray Armes, have judged in three international mediation and arbitration competitions.

Michael and Murray both judged and acted as mediators in the 8th ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition in Paris in February 2013. Michael then went on to Hong Kong, where he acted as a judge and arbitrator in the 10th Vis East International Arbitration Moot. This competition was won by first time attendees, the University of Canberra, from a total of 93 teams from universities and law schools from all over the world.

Murray went to the Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot in Vienna, where he acted as a judge and arbitrator. This competition was won by the City University Hong Kong, who were strong contenders in the earlier Vis East Moot in Hong Kong itself.

Michael commented: 'Murray Armes and I were delighted to participate in these high quality and well-attended competitions. The ICC International Mediation Competition is contributing to a growing global understanding of what should happen at a commercial mediation. With the law students who form the teams, we are also educating the next generations of practitioners and mediators and arbitrators in the ways of international private dispute resolution. This has been the most fantastic and uplifting experience for us both'.

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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