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ArbDB News

ArbDB Chambers Members, Mark Appel, Wolf Von Kumberg And Michael Cover, Involved In The International Mediation Institute (IMI) Response To The International Centre For The Settlement Of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Invitation To File Suggestions For Rule

9 October 2017

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ArbDB Chambers Members, Mark Appel, Wolf von Kumberg and, more recently, Michael Cover, have all been part of the IMI Investor-State Mediation Task Force. Mark is the Chair of this Task Force, which is made up of leading neutrals, government representatives and academics from around the world.

The Task Force has developed the Response to ICSID on its Invitation to File Suggestions for Rule Amendments and a link is included in this News Item. The main recommendations in the Response are that the existing settlement component in the ICSID Arbitration Rules be further developed with specific reference to mediation, that the Secretariat disseminate mediation information, that, in due course, ICSID considers a standalone set of Mediation Rules and that ICISID offer client and mediator education and training.

ArbDB Chairman, Tony Marks, commented: “We are delighted that three of our Members, Mark Appel (as Chair), Wolf von Kumberg and Michael Cover, have all been involved in this excellent initiative, which follows on from Mark and Wolf’s work at the first training course in Washington for Investor-State Mediators and Wolf and Michael’s work with the Energy Charter Secretariat in Brussels on Energy Charter Mediation.”

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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