ArbDB News
Mediators New Breakfast Club - 16th November 2022
14 November 2022
Start: 09:00 hrs (UK time) - BY ZOOM ONLY
Date: Wednesday, 16th November 2022
Speaker: Mary Banham-Hall LLB, Retired Solicitor (40+ years) Family and Civil Mediator (20+ years). Founder of Focus Mediation
Topic: A view from the rear-view mirror – what I wish I’d known.
• How to revolutionise the mediation market - and why now is the right time
• What I did and why repeating it repeatedly might just work (it did before with Family Mediation)
• Lobbying?
• Resources to put an unanswerable case that may be ignored but cannot be denied
• Avoid getting buried in an uneconomic landslide and what does that look like?
• Self-preservation and success versus self destructive idealism
• Questions, answers and conversations
Cost: Free due to generous support from ArbDB Chambers
Booking: Please e-mail Dave Owen ( who will send Zoom link at least 24 hours beforehand. If you do not receive it from him by noon the previous day, please e-mail him.
Recording: The meeting will be recorded and the recording are usually available within about 3 days after each meeting - it (and recordings of previous meetings) can be accessed at
Recording available at:
NOTE Attendance counts towards the CMC’s CPD requirements. It may count for CPD for other organisations.