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ArbDB News

Mediation Works A Seminar By Paul Rose And Michael Cover

24 April 2017

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Paul Rose and Michael Cover are to speak at a seminar at the Capital Club in Dubai on the 14th of May. Details below:

Mediation Works - A Seminar by Paul Rose and Michael Cover

Paul and Michael will ensure that all delegates receive a thorough and interesting introduction to mediation. A "must" for both legal practitioners and the UAE business-community.

14 May, 2017, The Capital Club, Dubai 

Session One from 9AM-NOON 

Session Two from 2PM - 5PM 

AED 500 per person, inclusive of refreshments.

Booking is essential. 

Please email Natalie - - to confirm your place 

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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