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ArbDB News

Mark Appel of ArbDB Chambers is speaking at CIArb Webinar on Investor State 27th October 2022

4 October 2022

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With the announcement of the ICSID Mediation Rules earlier this year and the success of the Singapore Convention, has the time for the use of mediation in investment disputes now arrived?

There has been an increasing interest in the topic and it is the subject of discussion at the UNCITRAL III ISDS Working Group. Yet there are still many perceived obstacles to its use, particularly by States. These include: transparency vs confidentiality, personal risk to State officials, political risk, lack of an internal State framework for mediation to be utilised within and enforceability of mediated settlements. Can these obstacles be addressed through some of the recent developments in this area?

A knowledgeable panel of speakers – including Mark Appel of ArbDB Chambers - will tackle the practical aspects of this topic and provide insight into what is an important new development in international mediation.

This is a subject of interest not only to mediation practitioners, but also those involved in international commerce and investor/State dispute resolution.

If you wish to register for this event, please click on this link:

(Mark Appel and Michael Cover, both members of ArbDB Chambers, are on the ADGM-CEDR Investor-State Mediation Panel).

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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