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ArbDB News

Jane Gunn Joins ArbDB, The Arbitration, Mediation And Dispute Board Chambers

19 June 2016

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Jane Gunn has accepted an invitation to join ArbDB, the Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Board Chambers and joins with immediate effect. 

Jane is a very experienced independent mediator, who has mediated literally hundreds of commercial and boardroom disputes. Jane is renowned in the world of mediation and, in addition to practising as a mediator, she is also a trainer and mentor in the area of mediation.

Jane is a Member of the Board of Management of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and a Board Member of the Civil Mediation Council. Jane is also the author of ‘How to Beat Bedlam in the Boardroom and Boredom in the Bedroom’. Jane started her career as a Solicitor in a City of London Firm.  Jane is a highly regarded public speaker and has spoken at the United Nations, the White House and the European Commission.

Tony Marks, the Chairman of ArbDB commented: ‘We are delighted once again to welcome such a distinguished new Member to ArbDB and have already started working with Jane on some exciting initiatives in the area of mediation’.

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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