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ArbDB News

ArbDB, The International Arbitration And Dispute Board Chambers, Marks Launch With Drinks Reception

13 October 2011

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On 11th October, in London, senior industry and legal figures  celebrated the establishment of the first multidisciplinary international arbitration and dispute board chambers, the launch of which reinforces London's position as a key international centre for arbitration and other forms of dispute resolution.

Solicitors, judges, mediators, arbitrators and other members of the legal and other professions attended the official launch event at Lutyens, Fleet Street, London EC4, hosted by founding members John Wright, Tony Marks, Michael Cover and COO, Ian Duggan.

Based in Fleet Street, London EC4, ArbDB's intention is to create a first class centre of expertise for arbitration, adjudication, mediation and dispute boards, so that ArbDB can become the first port of call for lawyers or, by way of direct access, for clients wishing to obtain the services of third party neutrals, whether as an arbitrator, adjudicator, mediator or dispute board member.  ArbDB provides more specialist ADR professionals from a variety of differing professional backgrounds than has hitherto been available.    

Since opening its doors in London, ArbDB has expanded quickly, welcoming a number of new members to the Chambers.  ArbDB can, in a short amount of time, already count amongst its members some of the highest profile third party neutrals operating in the commercial field.  New members include Murray Armes, Giovanni Di Folco, Arthur Marriott QC, Sir Jonathan Parker, John Redmond, Jonathan Tecks and Heather Thomas. Each of them have an expertise in a wealth of different specialisms including major infrastructure projects, construction, engineering, energy, banking and financial services, IP, international trade, dry shipping, shipbuilding contracts, commodities, LME trading, futures and options and financial derivatives.

Michael Cover, Director of ArbDB, commented; "We were delighted to mark the opening of our new Chambers with a drinks reception for London's professional and business community.  This event was extremely well supported and we are very much looking forward to welcoming further new Members in the future."

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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