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ArbDB News

ArbDB Members Participate In The 15th Annual International Conference Of The Dispute Resolution Board Foundation In Genoa 21-23 May 2015

21 June 2015

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ArbDB Members John Wright, Murray Armes and Wolf von Kumberg all attended and contributed to this highly-successful event.

There was an Advanced Workshop for Dispute Board Practitioners on Thursday 21 May and this was followed by two day of sessions on topics ranging from the European experience of dispute boards to the involvement of the funding institutions with dispute boards.

Murray Armes organised and introduced the session ‘The Use of Dispute Boards in Related Industries’ and a major contribution to this session was made by ArbDB Member, Wolf von Kumberg, who spoke about the use of dispute boards as a dispute avoidance and dispute resolution method in industries whose contracting paralleled that of construction and major projects. These industries included defence, an industry with which Wolf is very familiar, having just stepped down as Assistant General Counsel of a major global security and defence systems company.’

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ArbDB Chambers,Arbitrators, Mediators, Adjudicators and Dispute Board Members. London. Dubai. Singapore
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